  • Native Veterans

  • In honour of First Nation people who fought in Canada’s Wars


Welcome to Nativeveterans.com

This site is produced in honour of all Native people that participated in Canada’s Wars.  Nativeveterans.com will feature media content in print, audio and video to showcase Native veterans groups, associations and individuals.  First Nation people have a long and proud history of assisting Canada in its development from the country’s beginnings and conflicts of war.

Nativeveterans.com is a site on the World Wide Web where the Aboriginal perspective in terms of the veteran is presented.  These stories are becoming lost as time marches on and Nativeveterans.com hopes to provide a service in documenting the sacrifices and efforts of First Nation people who assisted Canada in her time of need.

First Nation people in Canada took part in conflicts that included the War of 1812, World War One, World War Two, the Korean War and the Vietnam War.  Native peoples have also played and continue to play a role in modern day peace keeping.

Nativeveterans.com will be developed on an ongoing basis to document and preserve the stories having to do with the efforts of our Native veterans.

This site is produced and maintained by Xavier Kataquapit, a Native columnist and writer originally from Attawapiskat First Nation on the James Bay coast of Ontario.  He was inspired to create and produce Nativeveterans.com because of his own experiences in researching and detailing the stories of his grandfather James Kataquapit and great grandfather John Chookomolin.  Both of these Aboriginal veterans from Attawapiskat were recruited into the First World War along with 22 other boys.  Currently, he is developing their stories and in concert he is producing Nativeveterans.com in honour of all the First Nation veterans of Canada.